
A tangled web alfred hitchcock hour
A tangled web alfred hitchcock hour



Obituarists like me would be remarking about what a long path he’d taken to come full circle. Recount would have been the first thing he directed for television in 43 years. (Jay Roach of Austin Powers replaced him.) Pollack had sworn off television the second the had enough clout to do so, after he won an Emmy for directing a Chrysler Theatre segment called “The Game” back in 1965.


Word of Pollack’s illness first emerged last August when he dropped out of Recount, the HBO movie about the 2000 presidential election that premiered a day before he died. That’s not exactly young but it comes as a bit of a shock still, because Pollack had been so robust in recent years, so visible within the industry, and so active (and marvelous) as a character actor in movies like Eyes Wide Shut and Michael Clayton. The police then inform Don that they like to finish questioning her.After a pretty public battle with cancer during the past year, Sydney Pollack left us on May 26 at the age of 73. They had told the bandleader she was dead in order to calm him down. When he rejoins the police he is shocked to learn that the police knew that Niki was still alive. Believing that the band leader is going to take the rap for murder, Don finishes her off. He examines his wife's body in the bedroom and discovers that she is still alive. Niki also dumps her band leader boyfriend, but instead of accepting this he strangles her. She also wants all his money or else she will tell the police about the murder. She tells him that she is going to leave him.

a tangled web alfred hitchcock hour

Niki convinces Don to keep his mouth shut and since no one saw the incident he gets away with murder. During the cruise, Don becomes enraged when he sees Niki kissing another man and he accidently pushes him overboard. The newlyweds take an exotic honeymoon cruise with the inheritance money. Niki accepts his marriage proposal, but Don's father dies when he hears the news. Don Reed falls in love with a nightclub singer named Niki Carroll despite the warnings of his seriously ill father and her ex-boyfriend who both tell him she is not good for him. Ruth is barely conscious, but George manages to revive her long enough to get the truth and save his son from drowning.ĭr. The police can't locate the waiter but discoverd a now guilt-ridden Ruth who has tried to commit suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. Later the police find Luis's body and begin the search for the waiter who was also the son of George Felse, an investigating police officer.

a tangled web alfred hitchcock hour

She begins to fill the vat slowly with water. Ruth knocks him unconscious and puts his body into a wine vat. Unfortunately for Ruth, a waiter discovers the body and figures out that Luis did not die in a fall. When Luis's secretary Ruth witnesses the event she jealously kills Luis in the hope that Kitty will be blamed. After the contest, Luis hits on Kitty who resists and pushes him down the stairs. Drinking his own wine called "Joyful Woman" Luis humiliates his son by outdrinking him.

a tangled web alfred hitchcock hour

At a party, however, Luis agrees to give his destitute son $5000 if boy can drink him under the table. Luis Aguilar is a rich wine merchant who disowns his son when he refuses to marry beautiful vineyard owner Kitty Norris.

A tangled web alfred hitchcock hour